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Five tricks to teach you to identify real and fake leather

March 9, 2022

Many friends ask me, aren't you working in a handbag factory? Can you teach me how to identify genuine and fake leather? In fact, it is not difficult at all to observe carefully. Leather distinction is the basic knowledge that the leather care industry and consumers need to master. Modern leather processing technology is more and more advanced, and there are more and more varieties of leather. It is far from enough to identify the authenticity and type from the thickness and density of pores on the leather surface. Mastering the knowledge of leather distinction, understanding the performance characteristics and expansion strength of leather, is of great help to the design and production of leather goods, the renovation, cleaning and damage repair of the leather care industry, and the purchase and use of leather goods by consumers of leather products. If you touch the leather surface with your hand, if it feels smooth, soft, plump and elastic, it is genuine leather; while the general artificial synthetic leather surface is astringent, rigid, and has poor softness. 2 Seeing that the real leather surface has clearer pores and patterns, yellow cowhide has well-proportioned pores, yak cowhide has thicker and sparser pores, and goat skin has fish-scale pores. ; And artificial leather has a strong pungent plastic smell. 4 Ignite Tore a little fiber from the back of real leather and artificial leather, and after ignition, if it emits a pungent smell and forms lumps, it is artificial leather; if it smells of hair, it is genuine leather. 5 Water absorption identification The water absorption of the dermis surface is better, while the fake leather has better water resistance. Dip some water with your fingers and wipe it on the surface of the garment to observe its water absorption. For example, if the water absorption is good, it is genuine leather.